Best Oatmeal Bread

This is the best oatmeal bread recipe ever. You will definitely enjoy this sweet and soft oatmeal bread which is delicious in taste and good for health as well. You can prepare wonderful sandwiches and can even toast it for tea time. If you are a diet conscious person then this can be the best oatmeal bread breakfast for you. This tender and healthy bread is usually prepared with all-purpose flour and covered with rolled oats. However, people also make it with whole wheat flour to increase its nutritional value. Oatmeal bread can be baked with different variations. Out of which honey oatmeal bread, banana oatmeal bread and blueberry oatmeal bread are the famous ones.  100 grams of oatmeal bread contains only 210 calories.

Best Oatmeal Bread

Oats contain a high amount of protein. If you are building your muscles then making oatmeal bread is a very good idea. Oats have capability to build and repair your muscles. They also contain vitamin E, Iron and Calcium sufficiently. Oatmeal bread has a very simple recipe and everyone can try this at home. Let’s follow these easy steps to make the best oatmeal bread for your friends and family.

Ingredients Weight Volume
All- Purpose Flour 250 grams 2.5 cups
Oatmeal 25gm + 25gm 5 tbsp. + 5 tbsp.
Yeast 4gm 1 tsp.
Bread Improver 3gm 1 tsp.
Brown Sugar 25gm 2 tbsp.
Salt 3gm ½ tsp.
Butter 15gm 3 tsp.
Raisins 75gm ½ cup
Milk 138gm -/+ ½ cup

Method to Make the Best Oatmeal Bread:

Take a large bowl and mix all the dry ingredients i.e. all-purpose flour, yeast, bread improver, salt and brown sugar. Now add butter into the dry mixture and crumble it with your palms. Add raisins and rolled oatmeal and mix well. In the end, knead dough with the help of milk. Keep adding milk until a smooth and non-sticky dough is formed. You can knead it with your hands for 10 minutes or you can also use an electric mixer to make smooth dough just in 5 minutes.

Best Oatmeal Bread

Shape the dough like a log and cover it with the rolled oatmeal. Now lightly grease a loaf pan and place the dough inside it. Keep it aside on room temperature so that dough can become double in size due to fermentation process. Heat up oven on 200 C and bake the bread for 20 – 25 minutes.

Best Oatmeal Bread

Bread will become golden brown in color from outside. Take it out from the oven and cool down on room temperature. The best oatmeal bread is ready to serve or eat. You can serve it with tea, milk, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, jam or with any type of spread.

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