Pina Colada Cake is a great combination of coconut and pineapple. It has an amazing refreshing flavor just like the pina colada drink. To create this mouth watering flavor, we use crushed coconut, coconut milk, pineapple chunks and pineapple juice. Make the cake sponge with the basic recipe and then add these special ingredients in it to create an amazing taste. You can do different changes or variations in the recipe according to your taste. Soaking the cake sponge with pineapple juice enhances the flavors and makes it more soft and juicy. Make a bed of pineapple chunks in between the sponge layers and apply whipped cream on it. Finally cover the cake with whipped cream and decorate it with pineapple and crushed coconut. This is a world class combination and provides a heavenly taste. You must try this unique recipe on special occasions.
Ingredients for Cake Sponge:
All-Purpose Flour 2 cup
Powdered Sugar 1 cup
Melted Butter ½ cup
Eggs 4
Baking Powder 1 tsp
Baking Soda 1 tsp
Crushed Coconut ½ cup
Coconut Milk Powder ½ cup
Pineapple Juice 1 cup
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Butter a pan and set aside. Whisk together the ground sugar, melted butter, eggs, baking powder, baking soda, crushed coconut and coconut milk powder in a bowl. Now add all-purpose flour and fold it slowly with the mixture. Also add pineapple juice to bring a smooth consistency. Pour the batter into the pan. Bake in the oven for 25 – 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cake sponge is ready.
Ingredients for Topping:
Whipped Cream 2 Cups
Vanilla Essence 1 tsp
Pineapple Chunks 1 Cup
Crushed Coconut ½ Cup
Pineapple Juice 1 Cup
Candied Cherries 6 – 8
Pina Colada Cake Decoration:
Slice the Cake Sponge into 2 layers of equal thickness. Now moisten the cake halves with pineapple juice to make it wet and soft. Take chilled whipped cream (not frozen) and beat it until it becomes fluffy. Add vanilla essence and mix well. Now apply whipped cream over one slice and spread pineapple chunks over it. Now join both of the cake sponge halves in a way that whipped cream and pineapple chunks are sandwiched between them. Cover the cake sponge completely with the whipped cream. Level the cream with a knife. Now sprinkle crushed coconut all over the cake and decorate the top with pineapple chunks and canned cherries. Pina Colada Cake is ready to serve.