Croissant Recipe

With this croissant recipe, you can make the classic French croissants with easy to follow directions. This recipe will make around 6 croissants.  Making croissants is always a tricky process. Maybe you cannot make the perfect croissants at your first attempt. You have to be focused to get a good result. I suggest to follow the exact croissant recipe as written down.

croissant recipe

Every type of flour makes a difference. The same is with the butter, it should be pliable but not too soft. The butter you use should have low water content and at least 80% Fat. Otherwise, it starts tearing and ruins the layers. If possible then keep the room temperature below 20 C so that the butter is not absorbed by the dough. Key is to keep the butter solid in between the dough layers to make the flaky croissant layers. Let’s start our croissant recipe.

Croissant Recipe


Butter                                      3.5 tbsp.

Flour                                        2 Cups

Sugar                                       2.5 tbsp.

Salt                                          1 tsp.

Yeast                                       1 tsp.

Bread Improver                      0.5 tsp.

Water                                      ½ Cup

Margarine                               ½ Cup

Egg Wash                                1 egg + 1 tsp water

Croissant Recipe:

Making the Croissant Dough

Take all-purpose flour in a large bowl and add butter in it. Make the flour and the butter crumble by rubbing them together with your palms. Now add yeast, sugar, salt and bread improver into the flour and butter crumble and mix well. Now start kneading the dough by adding water gradually. Try to make a smooth and non-sticky dough. Give it the shape of a disc and keep it inside the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Croissant Recipe

Laminating the Dough:

To start another step of this croissant recipe, take the chilled margarine slab and place it over a waxed paper. Cover the margarine with another sheet of waxed paper. Now pound the margarine with a rolling pin to give it a square shape. Wrap it with the waxed paper and keep it inside the refrigerator until needed.

Now dust the flour on a clean and flat surface and start rolling out the chilled croissant dough. Give it a square shape and keep it ½ cm thick. Now place the chilled margarine in the center of the rolled dough and fold all the four edges so that it is wrapped like an envelope. Pound the dough lightly and place it in the fridge again for another 30 minutes.

Croissant Recipe

Take the dough out from the refrigerator and start lengthening it with the rolling pin on a flour dusted surface. The open end of the dough should be placed towards your side every time you roll it out. Give the dough a rectangular shape and keep it ½ cm thick. Now fold its two length-wise sides in a letter style, wrap it with a cling sheet and place it inside the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure two more times. The dough rolling process should not take more than few minutes because it is very important for the margarine to stay solid.

Dividing the Dough:

Very gently roll the dough out in the form of a narrow and long strip. Do not fight with the dough, if it refuses to get longer. Just rest it in the fridge for 10 – 20 minutes and then start rolling it again.

Croissant Recipe

Shaping the Croissants:

Make the diagonal cuts with a knife from the top corner cutting downward. Like this divide the dough into evenly cut triangle shapes along the entire length. This way you will get 6 triangles to make your croissants. Now shape all the triangles one by one. Hold the two corners at the base and stretch them slightly. Now roll the triangle with your palm from the broad side towards the pointed side. Give it a crescent shape by bending the two ends toward you.

Croissant Recipe

Proofing and Baking:

So the last step of this croissant recipe is proofing and baking. Place all the croissants on a baking tray leaving enough space between them for proofing. Beat the egg with a tea spoon of water and apply a first thin layer of it over each croissant. Leave the croissants for proofing at an ideal temperature of 24 C to 26 C until they doubled in size. Normally the proofing time is around 1 ½ to 2 hours.

Croissant Recipe

Preheat the oven at 200 C. Just before the baking, apply the second thin layer of egg wash on the croissants. Bake the croissants for 18 – 20 minutes at 200 C.  Serve the croissants warm and fresh.

Croissant Recipe

Enjoy this croissant recipe with your family and friends and have fun. Please don’t forget to comment and share if you like our croissant recipe.

croissant recipe

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